Friday 18 March 2016

Several years ago I was on a ferry between two Thai islands and got chatting to a girl sitting next to me. She complained of swollen legs and ankles, and when I looked at her more closely, I did notice her puffy feet. It always makes me worried to see someone’s leg swell. I think of all the serious conditions that could be connected with this symptom, including problems with the heart and kidneys, or a blood clot.

Indeed, if your lower limbs become swollen and you have other ominous signs to go with it – such as shortness of breath, fever, bluish skin (cyanosis) and chest pain – head for the emergency department immediately. Also, if one leg looks swollen, while the other one appears normal, see a doctor, as this unevenness could be a sign of deep venous thrombosis. Some prescription medication too can cause swelling, such as birth control pills, anti-depressants and medication for high blood pressure.

In the case of my fellow passenger, the condition was far from dangerous – it was just slightly uncomfortable for her. She happened to spend too much time sitting on trains and buses, and was also adapting to the humid tropical climate, so was feeling slightly dehydrated. She happily continued with her travels and was fine in a few days time.

Every case of swelling needs to be considered in its context to make sure you’re not missing a potentially serious condition. You need to be able to distinguish between harmless swelling and edema. In the case of edema, if you press on the puffy area, it stays pitted for a few seconds after. This could be a sign of heart, liver or kidney problems.

Very often leg swelling can be prevented by some simple measures and DIY techniques. Here are some examples you can follow to prevent the swelling, or to return to your previous swelling-free self:

1. Exercise! Exercising stimulates blood circulation and prevents the blood from pooling in your lower extremities. If you’re suffering from painful or inflamed legs, swimming can be the perfect solution. When you float, the impact is taken off your feet, which eases the discomfort. So find a pool, or take a dip in a nearby sea or lake. If you do yoga, go for the postures that make you lift your feet above the head. This is called an inversion and has many health benefits, including improved immunity and digestion. So start with your headstand as soon as you notice your feet swelling… and experience the thrill of it. Incorporating physical activities into your daily life is also one of the 70 habits featured in my e-book 70 Powerful Habits For A Great Health which will guide you how to take positive steps to improve your wellness and overall health.

2. Elevate your legs. If you’re not quite ready for the headstand yet, try elevating your legs by putting them on a higher surface so that they are above the heart. Do that for 30 minutes, three times a day, and observe the difference. When you’re in bed, put a pillow under your ankles. This will help drain the excess fluid, so it can then get absorbed in the body, or is eliminated with urine.

3. If you sit for long periods of time, get up and walk around a bit. When your boss asks you what you are up to, explain that you are just trying to prevent your feet from swelling. Walking for 10 minutes, three times a day, should be enough to keep your tootsies healthy and happy.

4. When you travel, consider wearing compression socks. I know that they can be difficult to put on, but they do serve their purpose. They help the blood vessels with their elasticity, so that the blood doesn’t pool in your legs. Plus, they prevent varicose veins. Consider wearing them on long-haul flights and on long bus and train journeys. My traveling friend would certainly benefit from wearing them. Also, support/compression socks or stockings can be good for you if you’re already suffering from leg inflammation.

5. Eat healthy and avoid excess salt. A bit of salt is good for you, and is in fact needed for the body to function well. But too much salt can cause water retention and should be avoided. Caffeine too is a known culprit. So go easy on the salt and try to bring your coffee intake to a minimum. If you are overweight, consider losing some weight, so you reduce the pressure that is put on your muscles, joints and bones. Every little helps. To get some ideas that can help you reduce your weight, you can have a look at my previous articles 12 simple tweaks for weight loss and great health and 9 secrets of losing weight without diet.

6. Stop smoking! Smoking is one of the top 10 habits to stop right now if you want to be healthy. I know, easier said than done. But think of all the rewards that come when you stop smoking. Having your feet less swollen is just one of them. Also, smoking is related to many (more serious) underlying conditions that can cause lower limb swelling.

7. Drink plenty of water. We are all guilty of often not drinking enough fluids. By drinking water throughout the day, we hydrate our tissues and detox the body. Sodium and caffeine, which contribute to feet inflammation, get diluted if we water ourselves sufficiently. Eight to ten glasses a day should be the norm. Drink more if you had some alcohol. So make sure you carry that water bottle with you. For added antioxidant value, squeeze some lime or lemon in or prepare your own flavored water.

8. Massage the painful area. Or even better, make someone else do it for you. Massaging your feet is extremely relaxing and improves your blood circulation. Use gentle but firm motions, and always go in the direction of the heart.

9. Soak your feet in Epsom salt and feel the bliss. I’ve already written about the great uses for Epsom salt, and I’m sure your legs and feet will appreciate the attention. If you feel like indulging yourself completely, add a few cups of sea salt to your bathwater and soak your whole body. Essential oils can help alleviate pain and discomfort too. Some popular choices are peppermint, eucalyptus, lemon and lavender that are all known to have anti-inflammatory properties. If you are interested to learn more about essential oils you can find useful information in my e-book Magical Aromatherapy. This e-book will help you to discover the power of essential oils and the most effective ways to use them.

10. Take magnesium supplements. Often feet inflammation, which can result in painful swelling, is connected to magnesium deficiency. A dose of 350 mg a day can make a difference, but always talk to your doctor before taking any supplement.

Keep your legs healthy and pain-free. Remember how well they’ve been serving you over the years, and return the favor!

Cracked heels are another issue that plenty of people have to deal with and not a single person enjoys. If you suffer from cracked heels, you can find here what to do

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Wednesday 16 March 2016

When it comes to protecting our little ones, we are all the same.
Even a tiny scratch on your baby’s body may give you sleepless nights and a slight cough might trigger all sorts of worrisome thoughts. It’s not easy caring for a child. But for a parent, it’s the most fulfilling job in the world.

It is only natural that parents absolutely love it when others dote on their infants, calling them “cute”, “adorable” and many more befitting adjectives.

Your heart probably fills with joy when family, friends and even strangers are smitten with your little bundle of joy. They may want to squeeze your baby’s cheek lightly, pick them up in their arms and even give them a smooch.

As parents, we’ll go to any length to protect our babies from harm. However, there are still some ways we might be exposing them to illness and disease without realizing it. One such way is through mouth-to-mouth contact with another person.

Never Let Anyone Kiss Your Baby on the Lips

Yes, if you allow people to kiss your baby on the lips, you are exposing them to a grave degree of danger.

Case studies

In September 2015, British mother Claire Henderson posted a picture of her 1-month-old daughter, Brooke, with a visible mouth and face disease, accompanied by a warning that would shake many parents of newborn babies to their core.

A stranger visiting Brooke in the hospital had kissed her on the lips. The stranger did not know that she was infected with the herpes simplex virus at the time and had unknowingly passed the infection onto little Brooke by kissing her.

While the herpes simplex virus is not a serious illness for an adult to fight, that is hardly the case with an infant.

“Please share this with every new mom and a pregnant woman you know,” Brooke’s mom wrote on her Facebook post. “Before 3 months old, a baby cannot fight the herpes virus. If a baby contracts this, it can cause liver and brain damage and lead to death.”

“…DO NOT let anyone kiss your newborn's mouth, even if they don’t look like they have a cold sore – 85% of the population carry the virus. And if someone had a cold sore ask them to stay away until it has gone. Everyone who I have spoken to had not heard of this before and so I felt it was important to share Brooke’s story and raise awareness to stop anyone else going through what we have this week,” she further wrote.

In another similarly devastating case, Charlotte and Mohamed lost their 11-day-old baby girl, Mira, in 2008 after she developed a cold sore on her lower lip and succumbed to the herpes simplex virus a few days later.

No amount of clarity was achieved in the case of Mira and how she came to contract the virus. What did, however, become certain was this: There is a gross lack of awareness about this issue and it needs to be addressed by the medical community.

In another tragedy, 2-month-old Kaiden McCormick succumbed to multiple organ failures after contracting the herpes simplex virus from his father through mouth-to-mouth kissing in 2013.

What is the herpes simplex virus?

Herpes simplex virus (HSV-1) is an extremely contagious disease and highly common around the world.

Although HSV-1 can also affect the genitals, it is primarily an oral disease that affects the lips, mouth and often the face. It manifests in symptoms known as cold sores that first begin to appear on the lips and in or around the mouth.

It usually occurs through mouth-to-mouth contact and is extremely common in children.

Adults with HSV-1 may feel a burning or itching sensation around the mouth before developing the cold sores.

However, even before these symptoms begin to present themselves, the virus may well be settled in the person’s system, and any oral contact can transfer the virus to someone else.

Therefore, even if adults do not complain of or display such symptoms, mouth-to-mouth contact with an infant should still be a strict NO-NO.

According to the World Health Organization, 67 percent of people under the age of 50 are infected with HSV-1.

What symptoms can I look for in my baby?
Symptoms of HSV-1 in babies might be as follows:

  • Fever
  • Irritability
  • Itching and/or burning around the mouth or lips (Does your child pull away and begin crying during breastfeeding, or when the lips or mouth come in contact with an object, or when you touch them?)
  • Floppiness (of the body)
  • Redness of the gums
  • Swollen, tender lymph glands
  • Cold sores (on, inside or around the lips and/or mouth; may also occur on the face)

However, it is important to note that these symptoms often only begin to occur when the disease has significantly progressed in the infant, often becoming untreatable. This is the reason HSV-1 is largely referred to as the asymptomatic virus.

What can happen to my child if she or he gets the virus?

Although the cold sores in themselves are not fatal, the infection can spread to your infant’s other organs, such as the brain, liver, and stomach, causing severe and often irreparable damage. It can spread even before the common cold sore symptoms appear.

It is the leading cause of fulminating visceral disease, a disease of the nervous system, and hepatitis in infants.

Hence, HSV-1 presents a high risk of being fatal to any infant under 3 months of age.

How can I protect my child from this deadly virus?

Prevention is better than the cure.

In no other context does this saying fit better than the one discussed in this article. In relation to HSV-1, prevention is ABSOLUTELY better than the cure. In fact, it is vital to ensuring your baby steers clear of an infection that could risk his or her life.

As repeatedly mentioned in this article, this virus can often be asymptomatic and, therefore, invisible to the naked eye until it is too late.

Hence, here’s what you should do: WARN EVERYONE YOU MEET TO NOT KISS YOUR BABY ON THE LIPS, no matter how irresistible they may find him or her!

After you do so, inform them of the risks of doing so, the reported and recorded dangers of this practice, and the importance of being aware of it for the sake of our children’s safety, health and longevity.

Oh, and always keep a hand sanitizer handy whenever you have visitors around your baby. It may annoy them a tad, having to squirt sanitizing liquid on their palms each time they visit, but if doing so protects your baby, then being labeled the “neurotic parent(s)” is a risk you have to take!


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Saturday 12 March 2016

Many black spots or dark patches can be easily lightened or eliminated to restore a glowing facial complexion. Dark spots, patches and other marks on the face may be due to excess secretion of melanin on the skin.

Some factors that can lead to this condition include over exposure to the sun, hormone imbalance, pregnancy, certain medications, vitamin deficiencies, lack of sleep and too much stress.

Spots and patches on the face can be embarrassing and even lead to low self-esteem. Luckily, there are many possible treatments, such as acid peels and laser surgeries. Simple, natural homemade remedies also may reduce the appearance of spots and other blemishes on your face.
Here are top 10 home remedies for Black Spots on Face.

1. Lemon Juice

A quick and easy solution can be found in your kitchen or your nearest grocery store – lemon juice. Lemons have vitamin C that can lighten dark spots on your face. It’s easy to apply.

Put some fresh lemon juice on a cotton ball and rub it directly on the affected skin area.
Allow it to dry and then wash it off with plain water.
Continue applying this dark spot removal home remedy for at least two weeks to get the desired result.
If you have delicate or sensitive skin, you can dilute the lemon juice with plain water, rosewater, or honey. You can also use lime juice to get rid of black spots, applying it in the same manner as described above.

2. Buttermilk

Buttermilk is also beneficial in getting rid of dark spots. Like lemon juice, it also helps fade blemishes and black spots but without causing the burning sensation.

  • Take four teaspoons of buttermilk.
  • Add two teaspoons of fresh tomato juice.
  • Mix the two ingredients (both have excellent bleaching properties) and then apply.
  • Wash it off after 15 minutes.

The lactic acid in milk too, will gradually reduce skin pigmentation, and brighten and tone your overall skin complexion. So, if you do not have buttermilk, simply apply soak a cotton ball in milk and dab it directly on your spots. Leave it on for about 10 minutes and then wash it off Put milk on a cotton ball and dab it directly on your spots. Repeat this procedure twice daily for four to five weeks.

You can also prepare a solution by mixing milk and honey and apply the solution to your dark spots, leaving it on for 10 minutes.

3. Oats

Oatmeal powder is considered good for skin exfoliation. Hence, you can apply an oatmeal mask on your face and neck to remove dead skin and black spots.

Grind half a cup of rolled oats.
Add three to four tablespoons of lemon juice to make a paste.
Scrub it on your skin and wash it off with warm water when it dries.
If it becomes messy, use a clean cloth soaked in warm water to remove the mask. Follow this treatment once or twice a week.

4. Almonds

Take 8-10 almonds and soak them in milk overnight.
Peel off the skin and grind the almonds in the morning.
Now, add one teaspoon sandalwood powder and half a teaspoon honey in it.
Mix them to make a fine paste.
Apply it on your face.
Leave it on for about 30 minutes and then wash it off.

5. Sandalwood

Sandalwood is another effective option.

Make a thick paste of 1 tablespoon of sandalwood powder, 1 tablespoon of glycerin and 3 tablespoons of rose water. (If you don’t have rose water, you can use milk or honey.)
Apply the thick paste to the affected skin area, leaving it on for a few minutes. Wash off the paste with lukewarm water.
Follow this remedy once daily until your black spots vanish completely.

6. Potato

Your vegetable drawer is another source of home remedies for black spots or dark patches. Potatoes can be applied in one of the two ways:

Slice up a potato and place one slice directly on the black spots; leave on for a few minutes and then wash your face with lukewarm water.
You can also make a face mask by combining grated potato with honey.
Some people have also had success using tomatoes to get rid of dark black spots within a few weeks.

7. Aloe Vera

aloe vera for black spots on face

Aloe vera has many healing properties and is a great natural dark spot corrector

  • Apply aloe vera gel directly on dark patches and black spots.
  • Gently massage the area with your fingertips for a few minutes.
  • Repeat this once or twice daily for a few weeks to fade skin discolorations.

If it becomes messy, use a clean cloth soaked in warm water to remove the mask. Follow this treatment once or twice a week.

Vitamin E oil and castor oil, too, are useful in getting rid of black spots.

8. Turmeric

turmeric for black spots

Turmeric is another popular skin-lightening agent that can be used to get rid of black spots on your face. It is also effective for quickly removing sun spots and age spots.

  • Make a thick paste of turmeric, milk and lemon juice.
  • Apply it to the skin where there are black spots.
  • Leave it on for a few minutes and then wash it off with lukewarm water.
Another option is to make a paste of turmeric, honey and olive oil and gently massage it into the affected skin area. Leave it on until it completely dries and then wash the area with water.

9. Papaya

green papaya for black spots

The enzymes in papaya can help even out skin tone and aid in fading black spots. For example, papaya contains papain, an enzyme that exfoliates the skin encouraging production of new, fresher-looking skin. There are two ways that you can use papaya.

Apply the pulp of ripe papaya to the skin and leave it on for about 20 minutes; then rinse it off.
Another option is to grate green papaya and add lime juice to it. Apply this mixture to black spots and allow it to sit for 15 minutes before rinsing it off.
You can also use papaya skin as an excellent scrub for knees and elbows.

10. Onion Juice

onion juice for black spots

Onion juice – made using a juicer, blender or grater – can be applied in a couple of ways

  • Dip a clean cotton swab into fresh onion juice and dab it directly on the affected skin area and allow it to dry naturally.
  • Another option is to apply a combination of one tablespoon of onion juice and two tablespoons of honey on the spots for about 20 minutes. If you have oily skin, you can add some vinegar in the solution as well.

Important notes:

Depending on a number of factors, these home remedies may only help to lighten the color of facial spots and not remove them. For more conventional therapies, you should consult a dermatologist.
New spots or skin variations may need to be examined by a physician to ensure they are not due to a more serious health condition.

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Wednesday 9 March 2016

Then you have come to the right place. India is known for its natural beauty. And the following are ten ingredients which come from the very laps of mother nature.

They have no side effects and they give you no false promises. All they do is give you more than what you want, faster than you would have ever expected.

Unbelievable? Read and try out yourself!

Here are 10 incredible Ancient Indian Beauty Secrets that every modern woman must know:
1. Neem

This is probably the king of all the other beauty ingredients you have out there. A sacred plant, each and every part of neem tree is beneficial in some or the other way.

Beauty Benefits

Can Treat Acne

Take a few neem leaves and boil them in water.
Dip a cotton ball into the water and then evenly rub it over your face.
You can also use a neem-yogurt or neem-cucumber facepack to reduce oiliness of your face.
Can Treat Dry Skin

Take little amount of neem powder and add a few drops of grape seed oil.
Apply this paste to your face and leave it undisturbed for 15 minutes.
Wash with cold water.
Can Take Care Of Hair Troubles

Massage your hair roots with neem oil.
For controlling dandruff, mix some neem powder with water and apply to your hair. Leave it for one hour and then shampoo your hair.
2. Saffron

This might be one of the most expensive spices. But believe me, it is totally worth it. Saffron is known widely to improve one’s complexion.

Beauty Benefits

Can Help Remove Tan

Take some saffron and soak it in malai or milk cream overnight.
Blend the contents in the morning and apply on the tanned area.
Can Help Tone The Skin

Take required amount of rose water and mix saffron in it (till the rose water gets the colour of saffron).
Use a cotton ball to dip in the solution and dab on your face.
Can Help Brighten The Skin

Take a few strands of saffron and soak them in milk for about 30 minutes.
Take a teaspoon of sandalwood powder and add to the mixture.
Apply the pack on your face and leave it undisturbed for 15-20 minutes. And then wash it off.
[ Read: South Indian Beauty Tips ]

3. Honey

Honey is everyone’s favourite. Easily available, delicious and inexpensive. Honey is also known for its excellent hydrating properties.

Beauty Benefits

Can Cure Burn Scars

You can apply raw honey to a burn scar as honey has antiseptic and healing properties.
Applying honey on a burn regularly can produce less scarring than usual.
Can Give A Flawless Skin

Mix honey with malai, Chandan, besan and rose oil to form a face mask.
Apply the mask on your face and neck.
Leave the mask to dry and peel it off after sometime. This removes any impurities on the face and also makes the facial skin soft and smooth.
4. Amla

Also known as gooseberry, amla is a rich source of vitamin C.

Beauty Benefits

Can Help Reduce Hair Fall

Take 2 teaspoons of amla powder or juice.
Squeeze an equal amount of juice from a fresh lime.
Mix well and apply to the scalp.
Leave it to dry and rinse with warm water.
Can Help Nourish Hair

Take amla, soapnut (Geetha) and shiksa kai in an iron vessel and boil.
Keep it aside overnight.
Next day strain the liquid and shampoo with it.
5. Multaani Mitti

Also known as Fuller’s Earth, multaani mitti is one of the best ancient beauty secrets. It is known as the natural scrubber and cleanser. The one ingredient you can find almost in all homes.

Beauty Benefits

Can Help Remove Pimple Marks

Take required the amount of multaani mitti and mix it with some fresh tomato juice.
To this, add a pinch of turmeric and sandalwood powder and apply on your face.
Can Help Remove Dark Spots

Add some mint leaves and yogurt to multaani mitti.
Mix to form a paste.
Apply it on the dark spots.
Leave it for half an hour and then rinse with lukewarm water.
[ Read: Beauty Secrets Of Indian Women ]

6. Turmeric

This ingredient is undoubtedly indispensible in Indian culture.

Beauty Benefits

Can Reduce Stretch Marks

Mix turmeric with besan and yogurt.
Apply on the stretch marks.
The properties in turmeric help lighten the stretch marks.
Can Reduce Wrinkles

Take rice powder, raw milk and tomato juice.
Mix them with turmeric to form a paste.
Apply the paste and leave it undisturbed till it dries.
Can Treat Cracked Heels

Mix coconut oil or castor oil with turmeric.
Before taking bath apply this mixture to the cracked heels and leave for 15 minutes.
7. Sandalwood

Though a bit expensive, sandalwood possesses antiseptic properties and even helps in the blood circulation under the skin.

Beauty Benefits

Can Give You Clear Looking Skin

Take finely powdered almonds and mix them with sandalwood (chandan).
Add raw milk to this mixture.
Apply to face, and even to arms and legs before bath.
Can Give You Glowing Skin

Mix sandalwood with raw milk.
Apply the mixture onto your face and leave it undisturbed for 20 minutes.
 Wash it off with water.
8. Tulsi

An astringent herb, this is grown in almost every household and is one of the best secrets when it comes to enhancing your natural beauty.

Beauty Benefits

Can Treat Acne And Nourish Your Face

Take some tulsi leaves and blend them into a paste.
Add milk to the paste and apply on your face.
Can Help Whiten Your Teeth

Take a few tulsi leaves.
Dry and powder them.
Add orange peel and make it into a paste.
Rub the paste on your teeth.
9. Curd

The presence of zinc is what makes curd a favourite when it comes to enhancing beauty.

Beauty Benefits

Can Help Get Rid Of Dry Hair In Winters

Take 2 beaten eggs and 2 tablespoons of almond oil.
Mix these with half a cup of curd.
Apply the paste to scalp as well as hair and cover your head with a plastic cap. This nourishes your hair.
Leave it for 30 minutes and then wash with shampoo.
Can Help Make Your Hair Silky

Take lemon juice, eggs and honey and make a rich paste.
Mix the paste with curd and apply to your hair.
Wash your hair after 30 minutes.
[ Read: Asian Beauty Secrets To Inspire You ]

10. Besan

Also called gram flour, this is a common name in every Indian household and holds the cure for many beauty ailments.

Beauty Benefits

Can Help Cure Blemishes

Take required the amount of cucumber juice and mix it with besan.
 Apply this mixture on the affected area.
Keep it for 20 minutes and then wash it off.
Can Help Brighten Your Skin

Take 4 – 5 powdered almonds, lemon juice and 1 teaspoon of milk.
Mix all these with besan to form a paste.
Apply it on your face and keep it for 30 minutes before washing.
Beautiful skin and gorgeous hair are not an impossible deal. All this can be easily achieved right from the comfort of your kitchen!

So what should you do if you want stunning looks? Keep calm and walk into your kitchen! Did we miss out any ancient Indian beauty secrets here, if so please do share with us in the comments section.

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Top 10 Beauty Secrets Of Indian Women
8 Effective Thai Beauty Secrets Revealed
5 Asian Beauty Secrets To Inspire You
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18 Korean Beauty Secrets You Should Definitely Know

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Tuesday 8 March 2016

There are many everyday foods which provide a remedial cure for breast milk deficiency such as fennel, herb tea, garlic, onion and almonds. These foods do help, but a healthy diet is the most important thing you need to avoid ever facing breast milk deficiency. It is very important that every lactating mother should take good care of their healthy by having a wholesome diet which includes sufficient amount of water, milk and fresh fruit juices.

Breast milk for a baby is the only source of nutrition. Studies have proved that infants who have mother’s breast milk show better development as compared to those infants who are unable to get this important source of nutrition. Mother’s milk helps make the immunity of the baby stronger. Breast milk is extremely nutritious and it is easily digested by the baby. Many mothers face this problem of insufficient breast milk production, before taking some medicines to cure this problem why not try some simple home cures.

The mothers who are facing breast milk deficiency may experience the tenderness of the breast. Also, the breast milk may be extremely diluted and clear. Lack of breast milk in mothers may cause the baby to cry too often due to lack of milk supply. The baby may experience weakness also.

One chief cause of breast milk deficiency is the excessive intake of caffeinated drinks and alcoholic beverages.

New mothers may go through some hormonal changes and this may cause emotional distress and depressed feelings, which indirectly affects the breast milk production. A healthy body and mind will ensure optimum breast milk production. However, sometimes the cause is unavoidable like hormonal changes. In such cases, one must try a simple natural cure first before taking medicines or any other treatment.

Some Foods That Can Help Resolve Breast Milk Deficiency

1. Fennel: having fennel seeds along with warm water help in increasing the milk production in lactating mothers.

2. Almonds: lactating mothers must have five to ten almonds every day. Can also have almond oil. New mothers are advised to have almonds whether or not they are facing breast milk deficiency as it is extremely good for health.

3. Herb Teas: herbal teas are in general very good for health. Breast feeding mothers can have two cups of any common herb tea like green tea to improve the production of milk and for improving their health in general.

4. Garlic: As per Ayurveda garlic has essential properties which can help improve the production of milk in lactating mothers. Diluted garlic juice is also applied on the breast to kill any microbes and disease causing germs to keep the baby from getting an infection.

5. Onion: Lactating mothers must have more raw onions in their everyday diet to improve the breast milk production. Onion extract, when applied on the breast, helps in getting rid of any puss formation.

Stress-free environment: a stress-free environment is helpful for the lactating mother to cope with all the physical and emotional changes. Care should be given to make sure that there are no disturbing situations for the new mother.

Mother’s breast milk is very important for the growth and development of the baby in the initial months. Good diet and stress-free environment must be provided for the lactating mothers to ensure good health of the baby as well as the mother.

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Sunday 6 March 2016

Today’s women are health-conscious and prefer to follow a healthy diet plan. A healthy diet plan is one that includes the right combination of vitamins. Women of every age, weight, and activity level need to consume a wide variety of vitamins to have optimal health and prevent different types of health problems.

Vitamins are organic compounds that help different parts of the body function properly. Each of the different vitamins performs a specific function. A deficiency of needed vitamins can contribute to some serious health problems. This is why it is essential to get vitamins from the foods you eat or, if necessary, from vitamin supplements.

Here are the top 10 vitamins for women.

1. Vitamin A

Vitamin A contains antioxidant properties. Women of all ages need vitamin A as it aids in building and strengthening bones, teeth, soft tissue, skin and mucous membranes. Vitamin A also reduces the risk of chronic illness, improves vision, slows down the aging process and boosts the immune system.

Foods that are rich in vitamin A include carrots, cantaloupe, pumpkin, apricots, tomatoes, watermelon, guava, broccoli, kale, papaya, peaches, red peppers, spinach, eggs, liver, milk and fortified cereals.

2. Vitamin B2

Known as riboflavin, Vitamin B2 is essential for good health, normal growth and metabolism. It helps boost energy and strengthen the immune system while reducing tingling and numbness, anxiety, stress, and fatigue.
A deficiency of vitamin B2 can affect metabolism and influence the immune system and neural functions that can cause pale eyes and tongue, a sore throat, mouth ulcers, cracks on the lips, dry hair, wrinkles and itchy skin.

Some of the foods rich in vitamin B2 are organ meats, cheese, milk, yogurt, leafy vegetables, yeast, eggs, cereals, whole grains, soybeans, almonds, nuts, and mushrooms.

3. Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6, also known as pyridoxine, is an essential vitamin required for a healthy immune system. This particular vitamin also helps the body produce hormones and brain chemicals, which in turn helps reduce depression, heart disease, and memory loss.

It can also help regulate your blood sugar level. Pregnant women can eat foods with vitamin B6 to get rid of morning sickness. Lack of vitamin B6 in the body can cause anemia.

Some of the best foods for a healthy dose of vitamin B6 are fortified cereals, avocados, bananas, meats, beans, fish, oatmeal, nuts, seeds, and dried fruits.

4. Vitamin B7

Vitamin B7, also known as biotin, is required for cell growth and synthesis of fatty acids. This vitamin keeps the sweat glands, hair and skin healthy. In fact, it promotes hair growth and helps treat brittle nails. Also, vitamin B7 is required for bone growth and bone marrow and helps maintain normal cholesterol levels.

Though a deficiency of vitamin B7 is very rare but it occurs then it can cause brittle hair, rashes, abnormal heart functioning, lethargy, anemia, and mild depression.

Some of the best food choices to get vitamin B7 are fish, sweet potatoes, almonds, carrots, bananas, cantaloupe, yellow fruits, green leafy vegetables, lentils, brown rice, peppers, egg yolks, soybeans, oatmeal, milk, cheese, yogurt, and nuts.

5. Vitamin B9

Vitamin B9, also known as folic acid, is essential for every woman as it helps prevent heart disease, high blood pressure, Alzheimer’s, depression, cancer and memory loss. It also enhances brain health and cellular functioning and improves fertility and fetal development during pregnancy.

A deficiency of vitamin B9 in pregnant women can cause neural tube defects in the baby, such as spina bifida.
Foods rich in vitamin B9 include dark leafy green vegetables, orange juice, asparagus, melons, strawberries, fortified grains, legumes, beans, nutritional yeast, and eggs.

6. Vitamin B12

Another essential vitamin that every woman should eat is B12, which is important for metabolism, normal cell division, and protein synthesis. This vitamin helps prevent heart disease, memory loss, and anemia.

It also can be used to treat depression and help maintain healthy nerve system and brain functioning. Vitamin B12 deficiency can cause irritability, depression and confusion. It can also cause tongue and mouth inflammation.

Some of the best food sources for vitamin B12 are cheese, eggs, fish, meat, milk, yogurt and fortified breakfast cereals.

7. Vitamin C

Known as an immunity booster, vitamin C has many health benefits for women. It helps speed up the healing process, promotes tissue growth and reduces the risk for certain kinds of cancer, heart disease, and tissue damage. It also plays a key role in the formation of red blood cells.

Some of the best vitamin C-rich foods are broccoli, grapefruits, kiwi, oranges, peppers, potatoes, strawberries, sprouts and tomatoes

8. Vitamin D

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that promotes the absorption of calcium, which plays a key role in keeping the bones strong. Vitamin D also reduces the risk of multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis and various types of cancer.

It can also help reduce pre-menstrual syndrome symptoms and protect your eyesight. A deficiency of this vitamin may weaken your bones and contribute to osteoporosis.

Short daily exposure to sunlight can give your body the required dose of vitamin D. For most light-skinned people, an exposure of 10 to 15 minutes is sufficient to produce enough vitamin D for the body. In addition, you can eat foods that are rich in vitamin D like fatty fish, fortified milk, liver, and eggs.

9. Vitamin E

Vitamin E contains anti-aging properties that fight cell damage and slow down age-related changes in your body. This vitamin also helps prevent heart disease, cataracts, memory loss and certain types of cancer.

Plus, vitamin E is essential for skin and hair. It is often included in hair and skin care products.
Foods that are rich in vitamin E include wheat germ, hazelnuts, almonds, spinach, margarine, corn oil, cod liver oil, peanut butter, safflower oil and sunflower seeds.

10. Vitamin K

Vitamin K plays a key role in promoting strong bones, maintaining normal blood clotting and reducing the risk of various heart diseases. This particular vitamin is also necessary for immune functioning and energy.

Some of the best food sources of vitamin K are whole grain food products, green leafy vegetables, soybean oil and fish oil.

To conclude, eating five servings of fruit and vegetables each day is a good way to get all the essential vitamins. If you are not getting the required dose of vitamins from various foods, you can take vitamin supplements. But before taking any supplement, consult your doctor.

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Saturday 5 March 2016

Scrubbing help remove the upper dead layer of the skin and also deep cleanses the pores for impurities, revealing a bright and fresh skin. It also helps in delaying the appearance of wrinkles, removes blackheads whiteheads and imparts a beautiful glow on the skin.

Scrubbing is great for the skin and the result is instantaneous A word of caution though- do not overdo. It is best done twice a week.

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